
common daisy造句

"common daisy"是什么意思   


  1. The genus includes the familiar common daisy " Bellis perennis ".
  2. The specific " bellidiflora " refers to the similarity of the flowers with those of common daisies ( " Bellis " ).
  3. He and his wife, Ann, raised nine children there, and captivated by the sight of a common daisy, he set out to learn everything there was to know about nature in the new land.
  4. Imagine a common daisy, chrysanthemum or aster and you can picture the typical two-parted flower head-- the disk in the center which is flat or rounded like a pincushion, surrounded by ray flowers which we call petals, but which are actually individual little flowers ( florets ) and not just parts.
  5. It's difficult to find common daisy in a sentence. 用common daisy造句挺难的


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